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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Visiting Spain: The Conqueror and Oppressor of Filipinos For Hundreds of Years

Visiting Spain during the first week of September was very special. Can you imagine this country was only known for me courtesy of my Philippine History books during my studies in the Philippines? I can still imagine the pain and oppression and the killings and the war and so many atrocities Spanish caused the mother country that I have but while I was there, I could not actually see any evidence.

I learned that for the past few decades, Spain has lagged behind among Western European countries in terms of economy but this decade, it has caught up so fast causing a very good economy and a very good place to visit as well.

Tour Guide Site I Created for Barcelona
My Barcelona Photos

It was a whole lot of fun while I was there. I could never connect what they did to the Filipinos on the current setting although whether we like it or not, there is this connection.
Why can’t we be like Spain? We have been behind our fellow Asian countries for so long and why don’t we advance this time? What’s been keeping us? How can we make our beloved country succeed? Do we have the means? And if we have, can we sustain it?

I have so many questions about my country that I hope the answers would be there before I leave this world of living. Philippines is a beautiful country and now that I am almost two years away from it, I am longing to go home. Sometimes the chaos there is something that one true-blood Pinoy can miss.

I am so glad I have Filipinos at least online and also another from work. There are also a bunch around that make me remember…. Food, culture, race, etc.

So let’s get back to the question: Will there be a leader like the Spanish leader Zapatero who can lead the Philippines causing the country to be strongly positive internally and externally? I wish so hard that the answer would be YES! But you know what, fellow Pinoy? It’s NOT in the leader alone! We have to share our efforts. Lets change for the better starting from our OWN self and household!


  1. oi.. musta na? weng ni... out sa ko sa blogworld karon.. hehehe.. can i have your facebook account?
    zheille2003@yahoo.com gali akon..^_^

  2. wow! u've been to spain? good for u, sis. sana ako rin. hehe.

    yep, that was Sam. nakatiyempo. hehe. i posted a pic of my BA and I dun. try to look for the post "a sneak peek" sa sept archives ko.

    ingatz sis! nice to see u again! (",)

  3. Wow...nice trip and experience... actually there were also advantages when Spain invaded our country but marami pa din mga gruesome experiences.


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