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Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Citibank America Caller in Philippines

I got that audio file from a friend in Philippines. Yes, that’s the Citibank of America client who was airing her disappointment and she obviously DESPISES Philippines.

She talked the straightest Filipino though and of course she is Filipina (I believe strongly).

I wish to upload the audio file here so that you can hear as well and I would like to solicit opinions about it from all other fellow Filipinos. Also those who can understand the Filipino language but are not Filipinos are as well welcome to share their views.

As per my own opinion, I nether side with that caller nor go against her. She has reasons for reacting so. She has her deep … I can even say VERY deep reasons for alleging that ALL Filipinos are either corrupt or prostitutes/sluts. Can you imagine that? I would like to know what are the reasons behind those deep hatred… And if I would discover, maybe I can understand her better. For all Filipinos reading and who might have heard, your fair opinion, if you share here, would be highly regarded.


  1. Ignorance and racism can never be explained. My advice is always to completely ignore them. Giving attention to racist is a waste of time.

  2. Nick is right, those kind of people are racist. just because they stand into a higher level of life they think they're god... i would never appreciate nor look that kinds of person...

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  3. heard this also and every word hurts. Actually, the record is being questioned as to its authenticity. But the, such should have not been done. She should be thrown away from this country or from this planet. What she did was not despising Filipino people alone but also her Creator who made her a Filipina

    hi again. thanks that I have time to blog hop ^-^


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